Submit Content

As a community, we love getting submissions for the website from you. Be this a written testimonial, some photos of an event you have done for us recently, or a video (testimonial, race, inspirational story etc).

We have tried to make it as easy as possible to submit your content, so read on to find out more!

Find Cardiac Athletes on YouTube


On our YouTube channel we have set up a number of playlists which we can add videos from our members to. These videos will then automatically show on our website under the relevant playlist.

You don’t have to be a film maker to create a video for us to use! You can film it on your phone, and submit it using one of the two ways below.

YouTube accepts the following types of video files:

  • .MOV
  • .MPEG4
  • .AVI
  • .WMV
  • .FLV
  • 3GPP
  • WebM

There are two ways you can submit videos.

ONE: If you have your own YouTube account, simply upload your video (you will need to log in / create a YouTube account), and email us a link to it. We will then add this to the relevant playlist(s) to be displayed on our website.

TWO: If you don’t have a YouTube account, and don’t want to set one up, then you can email us the video, which we will upload straight to our profile. Please note, a lot of videos are too large to send via email so you will need to upload it to a system such as dropbox to transfer it to us.

Cardiac Athletes Friends


We have got a number of sections of our website where we love to display your photos.

Our Photo Gallery has images from races and meetings of CA Members.

We also have our How to Salute a CA Super Hero section, and SuperHero poses you can do – these are great fun for kids – we’d love to have some of your photos to add to these sections!

To have your photos added to our website, simply email them in and let us know where on our website you think they would fit in best.


We love the fact that our members love the service we provide.

The easiest way to give us a written testimonial to use on our site, is to add it to this forum post. You can however also email your testimonials in.

If you want to add a video testimonial, please feel free, using the information in the video section above.